Devlog 9 - July 25 - July 31

Overview: This week marked significant advancements and refinements in our game, with major updates to core gameplay mechanics, the introduction of new models, and numerous bug fixes. The team focused on enhancing the player experience through improved animations, interactions, and visual effects.


  1. Gameplay Mechanics:
    • Differentiated Sticky Switch State for Arms & Legs: Implemented unique sticky switch states for arms and legs to enhance gameplay dynamics and interaction realism by having limbs properly lined up with the switch.
    • Exit Conditions for Roll State: Added specific conditions to exit the roll state, ensuring smoother transitions and improved control.
    • Limb Aiming Fixes: Resolved issues with aiming different limbs simultaneously, improving accuracy and player control.
    • Player Rotation While Aiming: Implemented player rotation during aiming to provide a more immersive and responsive experience.
    • Recoil on Limb Throwing: Introduced recoil mechanics when throwing limbs, adding an extra layer of challenge and realism.
  2. New Features:
    • New Sticky Switch Model: Developed and integrated a new model for sticky switches, enhancing visual consistency and interaction clarity.
    • Elevators: Added functional elevators to multiple levels, including T1, T2, T3, and remaining levels, complete with animations and internal end points for smoother level transitions.
    • Particle Effects: Integrated particle effects for jumping and limb throwing, providing visual feedback and enhancing the game's aesthetic appeal.
    • Blob Shadow: Added blob shadow for the player, improving visual depth and positioning cues.
  3. Camera and UI Enhancements:
    • Camera Implementation: Reimplemented the camera shoulder toggle and added a third-person virtual camera, offering players more control over their viewing perspective.
    • UI Font Update: Updated the in-game UI font for better readability and visual consistency.
    • Start Menu Modifications: Made modifications to the start menu, improving navigation and user experience.
  4. Level and Interaction Updates:
    • Pressure Plate Indicators: Enhanced pressure plate visuals with light and dark materials for better interaction feedback.
    • Button States: Made button states more explicit, improving player understanding of interactions and their effects.
    • Moving Platform Adjustments: Tweaked the moving platform script to align with the new camera implementation and character controller.
  5. Bug Fixes and Tweaks:
    • Fixed numerous bugs, including issues with jumping while falling with no legs, sibling transform movements, and prefab inconsistencies.
    • Tweaked various gameplay variables, such as climb and aim speeds, and increased shot force for a more balanced gameplay experience.

Next Steps: In the coming week, we will focus on finalizing the game, addressing any remaining issues, and polishing the gameplay experience based on ongoing playtesting feedback. We aim to ensure the game is engaging, intuitive, and visually appealing for all players. We look forward to seeing you at our next update!

Team Ditch the Dollhouse

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